Sunday, December 24, 2017

Guess who this was on Xmas

many, many, many moons ago!

The community and camaraderie on here have been excellent to me, so I wish every one a splendid holiday (or a splendid time-off if you do not celebrate it) and a great start to the new year! Hope most of your goals of 2012 have been met, and if not... you still have time. Warm-up, stretch, and get ready for 2013 ^_^

♥ Bambi

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Front-Bend... Success!

After on-and-off contortion practices over and over this year, another long-awaited milestone.

♥ Bambi

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

The Witch from the Pink Depths of Hell...

... wishes all you ghouls and monstrosities a
Happy Halloweenie!

May you reap pounds upon pounds of candy corn.

♥ Bambi

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Leg stretching in the doorway ^_^

Can be used in barricade entry or exit too, I have learned.

♥ Bambi

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Some fundamentals on stretching.

Once in a while I get asked what are appropriate stretching techniques someone should do for so-and-so reason or how stretching, in general, should be done. Since beneficial stretches vary from person to person, there is no fundamental one-guide-fits-all answer or routine. We all have our own strengths, our own weaknesses, and our own priorities on what needs improvement.

There are, however, general rules of thumb on stretching that every one can understand and potentially use.

- Do dynamic stretching or warm-up stretching first. People familiar with dynamic stretching know that these stretches stay within a person's normal range-of-motion. They do not go beyond what their body and muscles are accustomed to. So dynamic stretches are good AND recommended for warming-up before a workout or more vigorous stretching, but they have little to no effect on increasing flexibility or range-of-motion. For that reason, they should be held for short periods, 15-30 seconds, and generally should start at the head, working downward toward the legs.

- Follow up with static stretching, especially if you do aspire to increase your flexibility and range-of-motion. Even if you are satisfied with your range-of-motion, you can still benefit from specific static stretches that may help make certain exercises easier (i.e. stretching hip flexors for squats). They stretch muscles beyond what the body is accustomed to, which gives way for improved flexibility and also relief for muscle soreness after a workout. They are held for longer periods, 30 seconds - 5 minutes, depending on what is being stretched and why. Stretches held for 2+ minutes are mostly exceptional cases (i.e. advanced yoga, contortionism). You typically hold for shorter periods and build up tolerance for longer periods as your flexibility improves.

- Larger muscle groups can usually be held longer than smaller muscle groups. Calves require less stretching than back muscles, for example.

- Always know exactly what you are stretching and why you are doing it.

So, to summarize:

Dynamic stretching
- Warms-up the body and muscles before a workout.
- Maintains their range-of-motion.
- Does not increase flexibility nor range-of-motion.
- Holds for 15-30 seconds.

Static stretching
- Can be done before or after a workout, but after dynamic stretching.
- Increases flexibility and range-of-motion.
- Relieves muscle soreness.
- Holds for 30 seconds - 2 minutes, depending on muscle group.

♥ Bambi

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Current Hourglass Figure

Want a firmer stomach...

Yet do not want the curves to slim down.

Such poignant moments in life >.<

♥ Bambi

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My war with middle splits...

... continues.

I have not been putting in as much time as I had wanted in the (first two months of) Summer... and as the rule of thumb goes, you get what you put in. So my progress has not been too noteworthy, BUT it is not stagnant, and I am moving along at a tortoise pace.

A few people have mentioned that gender and body shape potentially do play a factor in how well particular stretches can be learned. Side splits came easily for me. Middle splits, on the other hand, continue to test me and my hips. My thighs are not too happy either -.-!

But to hell with it all. I am getting closer.

♥ Bambi

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Something different - Me in art form ^_^

A little change of pace from fitness-oriented blogging.

Portraits of:

♥ Bambi

Monday, May 22, 2017

Bambi in Bikinis... *An Hourglass Update*

Since my last update, I have gotten more mass in some desired areas (me gusta)... and some extra cushion in not so desirable places (no me gusta). Trying to gain the RIGHT kind of mass has never been a strong suit for me. I find myself either not eating enough carbs, or just having a fail diet whilst I stuff my face with chocolate truffles.

THIS time around, I have gotten more of a handle on what goes in my mouth and where mass goes on my body. I would say I am 90% happy with how I look right now. Hourglass ratio is more prominent, more curvy.

Still needs some slimming around the edges, specifically thighs and abdominals.. But overall, I am prepared for Summer: new wardrobe pieces, a sunnier disposition... and if you followed my blog from last Summer, you would remember that I made the most progress in contortion during those months of beautiful weather and ample free time. So with Summer 2012 around the corner, I am excited :)!

♥ Bambi

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Saturday, March 18, 2017

This recent cold weather...

... has been doing a number on me.

I feel lethargic.

And instead of working out, I would rather just squeeze into confined tight spaces and curl up.

(But I managed to squeeze in time to be able to take a picture like this! lol)

The whole past week was unremarkable.
No focus, no drive whatsoever.
My temperament is ridiculously dependent on the weather...

♥ Bambi

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

No big guns here... but that doesn't mean that I'm not armed! ;)

These little sharpshooters are getting a bit more defined. I certainly feel stronger in my core and upper body thanks to some strength-training in the past month. I am steathily making my way to femme fatale status.

♥ Bambi