Thursday, September 22, 2016

Contortion update: Ankle-grabbing... getting there... sorta!

So... we are officially entering Autumn tomorrow! With the changing of the seasons, my stretching practice times have shrunk considerably with school and work :/. I have not lost any of my newly acquired (ninja) skills over the Summer, but I have been doing just enough to maintain them and to progress at a snail's pace... which is still progress, but very frustrating!

I have been practicing doing oversplits and needle scales over and over and over, in addition to basic stretches. All of this just to gain more flexibility in my back. Like I said in a previous post, when it comes to flexibility, there just seems to be no end in sight! So now that I can get into a chest-stand, next up is being able to grab my legs while back-bending. Starting at the ankles, and then working my way up.

I will be going on vacation soon (will still be stretching every day, of course!), but hopefully I can twist and mangle my schedule enough to allow for those long serious stretching sessions of Summertime when I get back.

♥ Bambi