And, unfortunately, what Kitty wants is not always a good thing. I fell off the ball several times last week. I pawed and clawed to stay on, but alas... I did not land on my feet, but instead simply rolled over and slept off the sweet, yummy goodness. And it was a whole mess of sweet, yummy goodness too! I nom-nom-nomed this, I nom-nom-nomed that, I nom-nom-nomed here, I nom-nom-nomed there. I nom-nom-nomed almost every where to my Kitty heart's desire!
The feline culprit:
And when it came to playtime... oh, it was all play all right! I ran, I stretched, I contorted, I snickered my whiskers...
My mind was not 100% into it. The change in weather also made me want to just leisurely lay around all day!
(I want this bed cushion, by the way. Will be pawing at Amazon / eBay for it.)
Focus, can I pleaz has it?!
Bad Kitty does not want to be bad ALL the time! (Only just most of it...)
♥ Bambi