Monday, May 22, 2017

Bambi in Bikinis... *An Hourglass Update*

Since my last update, I have gotten more mass in some desired areas (me gusta)... and some extra cushion in not so desirable places (no me gusta). Trying to gain the RIGHT kind of mass has never been a strong suit for me. I find myself either not eating enough carbs, or just having a fail diet whilst I stuff my face with chocolate truffles.

THIS time around, I have gotten more of a handle on what goes in my mouth and where mass goes on my body. I would say I am 90% happy with how I look right now. Hourglass ratio is more prominent, more curvy.

Still needs some slimming around the edges, specifically thighs and abdominals.. But overall, I am prepared for Summer: new wardrobe pieces, a sunnier disposition... and if you followed my blog from last Summer, you would remember that I made the most progress in contortion during those months of beautiful weather and ample free time. So with Summer 2012 around the corner, I am excited :)!

♥ Bambi