Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Can do a Chest-Stand... at last! (Video)

Months of hard work and determination have finally paid off! My back flexibility has given way enough for a chest stand. Man lands on moon. Chest lands on floor! And I am just thrilled :D!

This basically opens up a whole branch of others things I could attempt and learn, once the chest stand becomes a common stretch in my repertoire. It will not be smooth sailing; but if I have learned anything from all of this, it is that if I keep putting in time and effort into something, it will eventually happen.

♥ Bambi

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Leg over head stretching video.

From yesterday's afternoon workout. Although the chest stand is my main goal, I am also working on other forms, such as oversplits.

And there is nothing like a comfty book read right after a workout. (Pictured: Human knot pose)

♥ Bambi

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Stretching only requires Time.

When it comes to stretching, you never abandon the basics. You build on them. There is no finish line that lets you know whether or not you have mastered something. There is always room for improvement. There is always that extra inch you can squeeze in (and boy do us us ladies know this)! So, essentially, the only main difference between a beginner and someone doing more advanced techniques is the *time* that has been put into stretching. If you would have asked me to do a back bend exactly a year ago, I would have just laid on the floor flat as a board. I have been training for ~9 months now, and I am still stretching all that has been accumulated since Day 1.

Such as the Cobra pose (pictured) to loosen up the back muscles. For me, this along with a few others I mentioned before is awesome for gaining flexibility in the lower back. It is a basic yoga pose, but an essential one, especially for those starting and those with back pain. There is not one session that I do without it. Basic stretches like the Cobra made something seemingly difficult like the back bend possible; and they are now helping in reaching my next goal: the chest stand.

My hamstrings stretching was not always this linear. It took *time* to get to where it is now. Flexibility does not happen overnight, so do not become discouraged if you find yourself incapable of pulling something you see in a picture or a video. Results can come in days, weeks and even months, depending on the pose and difficulty. And like I mentioned in the beginning, there is always room for growth for any pose.

The only true "hard" part is setting aside at least 15 minutes a day for stretching.

♥ Bambi

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

When you do not have a training partner...

... you improvise.

By tumbling against walls.

By getting into awkward "eek!-back-spasm!-how-am-I-going-to-get-out-of-this?!" situations on a weekly basis. (Pictured: Yoga Scorpion pose)

But I would not have it any other way.

Yes, having someone around with similar interests to help motivate and push me would probably not be so bad. And yes, I have lost count of the amount of times I thought "screw-this-I'm-having-ice-cream-LOTS-N-LOTS-of-it" when I was not getting the results I wanted. BUT through the thick of it, I have learned some valuable personal perseverance and self-discipline, that go beyond these workouts and these pink walls. Standing on my own two feet (or having my feet in the air :D), and not having to rely on someone as a crutch is a wonderful thing.

♥ Bambi

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Monday, August 1, 2016

What is Bambi up to now? Belly-dancing (video)!

So I took the day off today due to waking up with a swollen eyelid yesterday (lol :/ FML), which has not completely disappeared just yet. I went on a hiking trail in the mountains the day before, but I am not sure if that had anything to do with it. So here I am home and blogging. Originally I was not planning to share this other love of mine, but I figure why not.

I am self-taught in most of my hobbies. I seem to enjoy exploring things for myself, whether it be contortionism, yoga, belly dancing... the list goes on. I have taken aerobics and dancing classes before, but there is just something about learning things in solitude. I like the quiet and the personal space. I like learning and cherishing moments, silly and profound ones, at my own pace. This makes me more liable to mistakes... but I think that, in a morbid way, is part of the fun.

The dancing is far from perfect. And as with every thing else, I am working on it... and enjoying it at my own pace! Finally figured out how to record for longer periods too!

♥ Bambi